Auditing the numeracy demands of the middle years curriculum
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Alfabetización matemática, Desarrollo del currículo, Pensamiento críticoResumen
The National Numeracy Review Report recognized that numeracy development requires an across the curriculum commitment. To explore the nature of this commitment we conducted a numeracy audit of the South Australian Middle Years curriculum, using a numeracy model that incorporates mathematical knowledge, dispositions, tools, contexts, and a critical orientation. All learning areas in the published curriculum were found to have distinctive numeracy demands. The audit should encourage teachers to promote numeracy in even richer ways in the curriculum they enact with students.
Inspección de las demandas de la alfabetización matemática en el currículo de la educación secundaria obligatoria
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Nº de citas en SCOPUS (2017): 3 (Citas de 2º orden, 13)
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