父母与青少年情感和社会技能量表 (ECOPES-A) 的验证





验证, 量表, 育儿能力, 青少年, 积极育儿计划


青春期传统上被认为是家庭共处的困难阶段。当前,由于重要的社会和技术变革和挑战,这一困难可能会加剧。因此,有必要从积极的角度识别父母在与青少年相处时的能力,以便在必要时引入预防性干预措施,如父母教育的计划。在此背景下,本研究的目的是验证《父母与青少年情感和社会技能量表 (ECOPES-A)》,以增加可用的更新工具的数量。

本研究采用了一组随机样本,包括1,422名青少年的父母。进行了探索性因子分析 (EFA) 和验证性因子分析 (CFA) 并进行了交叉验证,同时还进行了多组验证性因子分析 (MG-CFA) 以测试模型的性别不变性。共确定了十二个项目,解释了46.26%的方差,分为四个因素:F1-自我调节,F2-与父母职能相关的自尊和自信,F3-在解决冲突中的强制性,F4-通过自信的沟通促进子女的自尊。每个因素和总量表的信度均较高。模型对于父母双方均表现出良好的适配度,MG-CFA显示严格的因子不变性,因此该量表可以适用于父母双方。






She is Full Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oviedo (Spain). Doctor in Pedagogy and Graduate in Pedagogy and in Psychology. She coordinates the Accredited Research Group “Educational Intervention in the Family, School and Social Environment (IEFES)” of the University of Oviedo. She develops studies and programs with Professionals from the Educational, Social Services, Health and other related sectors. She is a Convenor of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) in the Network on Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research (http://www.eera-ecer. de/networks/network14/convenors/). She is involved in Scientific Committee of the European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE). Among her lines of research are: Family Guidance and Positive Parenting; Schools-Families-Community Partnerships; and Emotional Education.

Author Contribution: (RAMG) Research Design and Direction, Theoretical Framework, Method, Interpretation of results, Discussion and Conclusions. Final revisions of the entire paper

Conflict of interest statement: RAMG state that they have no conflicts of interest in writing the present article.


Doctor in Pedagogy and Graduate in Pedagogy and in Psychology. She is currently Associate professor in the Department of Educational Sciences (University of Oviedo) in the field of ​​Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE). She has participated in different research projects at regional, national and international levels, and in teaching innovation projects. Among her lines of research are: socio-educational care for people with disabilities, application of ICT to language difficulties, teaching methodology and innovation in Higher Education, and family educational guidance. She is a member of the research group “Educational Intervention in the Family, School and Social Environment” (IEFES), which develops research related to family education and school-family relationship. She has been coordinator of the Master's Degree in Socio-Educational Intervention and Research of the University of Oviedo for the last eight years.

 Author Contribution: (MTIG) Method, Data analysis and results. APA 7Ed format review of References

Conflict of interest statement: MTIG state that they have no conflicts of interest in writing the present article.


She is Permanent PhD Professor in the Area of ​​Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (Department of Educational Sciences) of the University of Oviedo. Doctor in Psychology and Graduate in Pedagogy. She is Convenor of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) in the Network on Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research, and member of the Steering Committee of ERNAPE (European Research Network About Parents in Education). Her main lines of research are: positive parenting, family education, school-family relationship, training professionals for implementation of socio-emotional and educational programs, and program evaluation. She is member of the IEFES research group (Educational Research and Intervention in the Family, School and Social Field) of the University of Oviedo, as well as the FADE group (Family and Development) of the University of La Laguna, both recognized by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA.

Author Contribution: (BRR) Theoretical Framework, Method, Interpretation of results, Discussion and Conclusions. APA 7Ed format review of References. Interaction with the RELIEVE platform.

Conflict of interest statement: BRR state that they have no conflicts of interest in writing the present article.


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