教学协作与主观意愿在Lesson Study循环中的体现. 初始教学的案例研究





大学教育, 教师培训, 案例研究, 合作, 观察, 教育变革


在一个以个人主义和竞争为基础的社会与学术环境中,实现真正的协作是大学教育中的一项重大挑战。本研究旨在探讨有利于协作的条件,以及这些条件如何促进未来教育工作者的职业发展。研究采用定性—解释性的案例研究方法,聚焦于两个幼儿教育学位学生群体,这些学生在最后一阶段实习中通过基于反思与共同行动的教学方法(Lesson Study)进行学习与实践。







Permanent Lecturer in the Department of Didactics and Educational Organisation at the University of Malaga. She is a member of the research group Repensar la Educación (repensarlaeducacion.es) and of the University Institute for Research in the Training of Education Professionals (IFE-UMA). She has participated in several educational research and innovation projects related to initial and ongoing teacher training, resulting in numerous publications on the reconstruction of teachers' practical knowledge, Lesson Study as a cyclical, cooperative and reflective teacher training strategy and educational innovation in early childhood education. He has also been a speaker at numerous in-service teacher training courses organised by Teacher Training Centres and other educational institutions.


Senior Lecture in the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the University of Málaga. She is a member of the research group Rethinking Education (www.repensarlaeducacion.es) and is the author of publications on teacher professional development, evaluation and educational innovation. In recent years, she has focused his teaching and research activity on the Lesson Study as a collaborative action research for initial and in-service teaching professional development.


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