


  • Robert E. Stake University of Illinois
  • Merel Visse Drew University, USA




关怀典范, 伦理支援, 回应式评估







American educational psychologist, specializing in institutional assessment and qualitative assessment. It applies its own case study methodology. He is the creator of the so-called comprehensive evaluation or receptive evaluation. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Director of the Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation – CIRCE


Merel Visse graduated from the University of Humanistic Studies in the Netherlands and is currently a professor at Drew University (USA). She has developed a wide line of research with numerous publications that refer to evaluation as a formative element to improve people and ethical aspects in contemporary Western societies.


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Piaget, J., 1929. The child’s conception of the world. Harcourt, Brace.

Smidt, S. (2013). Introducing Malaguzzi: Exploring the life and work of Reggio Emilia’s founding father. Routledge

Stake, R.E., & Visse, M. (2021). A Paradigm of Care. Information Age.

Stake, R. E. (1992). A housing project school. In J. Nowakowski, M. Stewart and W. Quinn, editors. Monitoring implementation of the Chicago Public Schools’ systemwide school reform goals and objectives plan. (pp 330-349). North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.

Stenhouse, L. 1975. Introduction to curriculum research and development. Heinemann. (London: Schools Council Humanities Project).

