Prevalência e fatores associados ao plágio académico em novos estudantes de Serviço Social e Educação Social: uma análise empírica




plágio académico, integridade académica, fraude em provas de avaliação, ensino superior


Este artigo centra-se no estudo do plágio académico entre os novos estudantes universitários dos cursos de Serviço Social e Educação Social. A prevalência do plágio e alguns dos principais fatores associados a este fenómeno são analisados através de um questionário aplicado a 913 alunos de 6 cursos concluídos. Os principais resultados indicam que os estudantes com maior tendência para plagiar estão associados ao facto de serem do sexo masculino, mais jovens, considerarem que são piores alunos, considerarem o plágio menos grave, estarem poucos motivados para os estudos e abordarem as tarefas académicas com propensão para a procrastinação. Por último, os estudantes que mais plagiam nos trabalhos são também os mais propensos a adotar comportamentos desonestos noutras atividades de avaliação e os menos propensos a considerar esta fraude como grave. As conclusões do trabalho assinalam oportunidades para as intervenções destinadas a promover a integridade académica e reduzir as práticas fraudulentas no ensino superior com base em evidências.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Rubén Comas Forgas, Balearic Islands University, Spain

European PhD. in Educational Sciences from the University of the Balearic Islands (2009). He has been a visiting researcher at several international centres, including: University of East Anglia (United Kingdom), Liverpool John Moores Univerity (United Kingdom), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece), Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (Mexico) and Stockholm University (Sweden). He is coordinator of the Red-IA and directs various national and European projects ( (email: 

Antoni Cerdà-Navarro, Balearic Islands University, Spain

Degree in Sociology and Master in Sociology and Anthropology of Public Policy by the University of Valencia. Master in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis at the Sociological Research Center (CIS). PhD. by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) with the thesis 'Early educational dropout in mid-level professional training'. He is currently Ass. Professor and member of the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EiC), the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation (IRIE) and the Ibero-American Research Network for Academic Integrity. His main areas of study are the sociology of education and work, research methods and techniques, academic integrity, and honesty. (email:

Carmen Touza Garma, Balearic Islands University, Spain

PhD. in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently Ass. Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Specific Didactics of the University of the Balearic Islands and Vice-Rector for Students. She is also a member of the Education and Citizenship Research Group (EiC). Her research has focused on abuse in the family, mai the detection and prevention of abuse of the elderly, and on academic integrity. (email: 

Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Stockholm University, Sweden

PhD. in Pedagogy from Åkademi University, Finland (1998), currently Professor and scientific director of the Vocational Technical Teaching Research Group (ETP) at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden. His research interests include vocational education (VET), educational policies, didactics, and international comparative studies of the VET system. He is main editor of the Palgrave Series in “Technology and Vocational Education and training”, member of the editorial board of prestigious research journals, lecturer at different universities and scientific advisor to similar research groups at universities in Europe and Asia. (email:


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Como Citar

Comas Forgas, R., Cerdà-Navarro, A., Touza Garma, C., & Moreno Herrera, L. (2023). Prevalência e fatores associados ao plágio académico em novos estudantes de Serviço Social e Educação Social: uma análise empírica. RELIEVE - Revista Electrónica De Investigación Y Evaluación Educativa, 29(2).