Avaliação da utilização do podcast educativo como ferramenta de aprendizagem colaborativa tendo em conta a participação na produção





podcasts, aprendizagem colaborativa, usabilidade, estudantes universitários, avaliação, design


Esta investigação é o resultado da aplicação dos podcasts como ferramenta de ensino-aprendizagem e concebidos para ser utilizados por estudantes universitários. Utilizando uma metodologia quantitativa, com um design descritivo e correlacional, recorremos ao teste inferencial t de Levene de igualdade de variâncias para comparar dois grupos de estudantes, de forma a verificar se existem diferenças em variáveis de natureza académica, design, usabilidade e aprendizagem, com o objetivo de verificar as diferenças entre os alunos que o elaboram e os que apenas o ouvem. Tivemos uma amostra de 461 estudantes, distribuídos em dois grupos. Um grupo em que os professores são responsáveis pela elaboração e realização da dinâmica do podcast. No segundo grupo, os alunos criam o podcast de forma colaborativa. Para verificar se existem diferenças entre ambos os grupos, aplicou-se o Questionário de Inovação Educativa (CINNE), baseado no Questionário de Avaliação de Podcast, QAEP (Alarcón e Blanca, 2020), e a Escala SUS (Brooke, 2013). Os resultados indicam que existem diferenças significativas (IC 99,95%) entre os grupos nas dimensões de usabilidade e design. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre géneros.  Como conclusão, este estudo validou a eficácia do podcast como estratégia didática, destacando especialmente o acesso, uso e design pelos alunos.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Josué Artiles-Rodríguez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Lecturer in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Doctor in Psychopedagogy (2014). Graduate in Psychopedagogy (2007). Professor since the 2010-2011 academic year teaching in the Degree in Social Education, Primary Education, Psychopedagogy, in the Master in Mediation and Family Intervention and the Master in Teacher Training. He belongs to the International Observatory of the Teaching Profession (OBIP). He is also a member of the Edugedesis Excellence Innovation Group: e_learning and methodological innovation of the ULPGC (2014). Since 2017 he has been a researcher in the recognized research group G9: History, Economy and Society of the ULPGC.

Author contribution: (JAR) • Conceptualization • Formal analysis • Research • Methodology • Project administration • Resources • Supervision • Writing – original draft • Writing – review and editing.

Competing of interests: JAR expresses that there are no conflicts of interest when writing the paper.

Mónica Guerra-Santana, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Lecturer in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Doctor in Psychopedagogy (2014). Graduate in Psychopedagogy (2007). Professor since the 2010-2011 academic year teaching in the Degree in Social Education, Primary Education, Psychopedagogy, in the Master in Mediation and Family Intervention and the Master in Teacher Training. He belongs to the International Observatory of the Teaching Profession (OBIP). He is also a member of the Edugedesis Excellence Innovation Group: e_learning and methodological innovation of the ULPGC (2014). Since 2017 he has been a researcher in the recognized research group G9: History, Economy and Society of the ULPGC.

Author contribution: (JAR) • Conceptualization • Formal analysis • Research • Methodology • Project administration • Resources • Supervision • Writing – original draft • Writing – review and editing.

Competing of interests: JAR expresses that there are no conflicts of interest when writing the paper.

María Victoria Aguiar-Perera, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Senior Lecturer in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She has a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and a PhD in Psychopedagogy (2001). She has taught at the Faculty of Education, in the Degree of Social Education, Early Childhood Education, Psychopedagogy, in the Master of Teacher Training, in the courses for Over 25 years. She belongs to the International Observatory of the Teaching Profession (OBIP). She is also a member of the Edugedesis Excellence Innovation Group: e_learning and methodological innovation of the ULPGC (2009). Since 2017 she has been a researcher in the recognized research group G9: History, Economy and Society of the ULPGC.

Author contribution: (MVAP) • Research • Methodology • Resources • Validation • Writing - original draft.

Competing of interests: MVAP expresses that there are no conflicts of interest when writing the paper.

Luis Mazorra-Aguiar, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Senior Lecturer in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Industrial Engineer (2006) and Doctorate in Industrial Technology (2016) from the ULPGC. He has taught at the School of Industrial and Civil Engineers, in the Degree in Electrical Engineering, in Industrial Organization Engineering, in Naval Technology and in the Master of Industrial Engineering. He belongs to the IUSIANI research group of the ULPGC (2015) and to the “TASK 16 OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS PROGRAMME” of the International Energy Agency (IEA). He has carried out research stays in the field of renewable energy studies at the University of Reunion (FRA) and at the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT). He is also a member of the Edugedesis Excellence Innovation Group: e_learning and methodological innovation of the ULPGC.

Author contribution: (LMA) • Formal analysis • Investigation • Resources • Validation • Writing - original draft.  

Competing of interests: LMA expresses that there are no conflicts of interest when writing the paper


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Como Citar

Artiles-Rodríguez, J., Guerra-Santana, M., Aguiar-Perera, M. V., & Mazorra-Aguiar, L. (2024). Avaliação da utilização do podcast educativo como ferramenta de aprendizagem colaborativa tendo em conta a participação na produção . RELIEVE - Revista Electrónica De Investigación Y Evaluación Educativa, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.30827/relieve.v30i1.27474