Validation of an instrument to analyze the cognitive strategies activated by young university students in the face of Fake News in the era of Artificial Intelligence




validation, instrument, cognitive strategies, fake news, artificial intelligence


The present society faces the challenge and uncertainty generated by the deluge of Fake News (FN) spread on social media. Meanwhile, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) leads to a state of misinformation that threatens democracies, public health, and the credibility of the media. In this context, the general public, and young people in particular, are not adequately prepared to respond to this issue. Therefore, this research presents the validation of an instrument to understand the cognitive strategies that young people activate when confronted with FN, categorizing them hierarchically according to Bloom's taxonomy. A sample of 543 Spanish university students participated in the validation process. Reliability was calculated using Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega coefficients. It was validated through exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation and confirmatory factor analysis using the weighted least squares method. The results demonstrate a high level of internal consistency, ensuring reliability and construct validity. The final instrument consists of 9 variables and 52 items, in accordance with the initial model. Its scientific robustness makes it suitable for understanding the cognitive strategies activated by young people in response to FN. Finally, it should be noted that it can facilitate the design of educational interventions tailored to the identified needs, aiming to provide young people with appropriate strategies to critically respond to FN and the challenges posed by AI in this regard.


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Author Biographies

Jonathan Castañeda Fern´ández, University of Oviedo

Lecturer at the University of Oviedo, affiliated with the area of Research Methods and Diagnostic in Education (MIDE). He holds a degree in Pedagogy (awarded the National Prize for University Studies Completion) and a PhD with an international mention from the University of Oviedo, achieved thanks to a University Teaching Staff Training Scholarship (FPU) and a pre-doctoral research stay at the Universidade Lusiada de Lisbon. In teaching, he has primarily delivered courses linked to research and educational assessment. In research, he has participated in various projects (lines: evaluation of training activities, learning approaches, ecosystems for building global citizenship, etc.) and is currently a member of the research group “TECN@: Technology and Learning” at the University of Oviedo.

M. Esther Del Moral Pérez, University of Oviedo

Professor at the University. Teaches ICT applied to Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. University of Oviedo (Spain). She has been recognised with four six-year research periods. She coordinates the TECN@ Research Group: Technology and Learning. Lead researcher of competitive projects, author of impactful articles in prestigious journals. Research areas include: media, digital literacy, TV and childhood, video games, social networks, augmented reality, digital applications, gamification, education in rural areas, etc. She has undertaken research stays in Calgary (Canada), Poitiers (France), Freiburg (Germany), and ITD Genoa (Italy). She has delivered courses at Ibero-American universities (Chile, Mexico, and Peru).

Nerea López-Bouzas, University of Oviedo

PhD in Education and Psychology, awarded a University Teaching Staff Training Scholarship (FPU). Holds a degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master's degree in Research and Innovation in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Collaborates with the Department of Education Sciences and is a member of the TECN@ research group: Technology and Learning at the University of Oviedo. Her research focuses on the integration of technological resources into the teaching-learning process, inclusive education, digital applications, augmented reality, gamification, analysis of audiovisual narratives, etc. She has completed a research stay at L'Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche (CNR-ITD) (Genoa, Italy) and the Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal).


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How to Cite

Castañeda Fern´ández, J., Del Moral Pérez, M. E., & López-Bouzas, N. (2024). Validation of an instrument to analyze the cognitive strategies activated by young university students in the face of Fake News in the era of Artificial Intelligence. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 30(2).



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