University student and teaching staff perceptions of accessibility and inclusion
accessibility, students, disability, inclusion, teachersAbstract
Universities, in compliance with current legislation, develop policies to favour inclusion. This implies significant effort in order to overcome barriers related with study plans, teaching methods and assessment, accessibility to both spaces and infrastructures, and technological supports. The main objective of the present study is to examine the perceptions of a group of students and teachers in order to obtain a general overview of accessibility at university. Specifically, the study strives to determine student and teacher evaluations of accessibility at their university, whilst also examining whether perceptions differ between both groups and as a function of knowledge field. Information was collected from both students and teachers using a questionnaire designed ad hoc for the study. Obtained outcomes indicate that surveyed students strongly agree that university infrastructures, center facilities, services available at university, furniture, classroom conditions and the online portal should favor the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Similarly, teaching staff also manifested similar ideas although ratings for all items were slightly lower than those given by students. Likewise, significant differences were observed between the two populations, with students reporting that the furniture favored the inclusion of students with disabilities. Differences were also observed as a function of the knowledge area in which students and teachers worked.
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