Design and validation of a Situational Judgment Test of Socioemotional Competences Development in Young People (SCD-Y)


  • Sara Rodríguez-Pérez University of Oviedo
  • Josefina Sala-Roca Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Eduardo Doval Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Aida Urrea-Monclús University of Lleida



Situational test, Socioemotional competences, Youth, Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence


This article presents the design and validation of the situational judgment test of socioemotional competence development in young people (SCD-Y), a copyleft psychoeducational instrument for use with young people aged 12 to 18 years. The test presents five scenarios from everyday life which represent different problematic situations. Interviews were held with 117 young people in order to elaborate the different response options. Seven experts assigned response options to dimensions which had been initially proposed at an earlier stage. In addition, 11 experts assigned discrete scores to each response option. Exploratory factor analysis was carried out on data from 1,227 students attending 12 schools. Test-retest reliability was examined using data from 123 students. Convergent validity was tested using a sample of 215 students who also completed the TMMS-24 and STEM_Y tests. The SCD-Y is a promising psychoeducational evaluation instrument. Notably, it was generally accepted and positive evaluated by teachers, with validity and reliability outcomes also being acceptable up to the present date.


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Author Biographies

Sara Rodríguez-Pérez, University of Oviedo

Assistant Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Oviedo. She is a teacher, pedagogue and sexologist. She coordinated and developed the Asexora project (Sexological Counseling for young people) in collaboration with the Youth Council of the Principado de Asturias. She has participated in research projects on intervention with families in educational spaces, influence of gender in academic decisions, well-being of care leavers, emotional education and Dual Professional Training. She is currently part of the IARS group (Childhood and Adolescence at Social Risk). Instagram: medrando_con_buenos_tratos

Josefina Sala-Roca, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of the Department of Theory of Education and Social Pedagogy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She coordinates the Research Group on Childhood and Adolescence at Social Risk (IARS). The IARS group has developed various studies on the development of socio-emotional and employability competencies of children and young people. Also, in collaboration with FEPA, FEDAIA and DGAIA among others, it has developed studies on the factors that affect the well-being and positive development of young people in care, as well as the difficulties and supports in their transition to independent life. The research carried out has been published in various articles and reports. Twitter: @IARS_uab

Eduardo Doval, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Health Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His main research focuses on the identification and study of aberrant response patterns in educational assessment tests. He is a member of the GIES group (Research group in stress and health).

Aida Urrea-Monclús, University of Lleida

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Lleida. Her research and teaching focuses on the promotion of children's rights both in the child protection system and in the educational system. Currently, she participates in research to promote the participation of young people in the protection system, especially in their transition to independent life and in family reunification processes. She is part of the IARS Group, the GRISIJ Group and the Education and Adolescence Chair. Twitter: @aida_aum


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Pérez, S., Sala-Roca, J., Doval, E., & Urrea-Monclús, A. (2021). Design and validation of a Situational Judgment Test of Socioemotional Competences Development in Young People (SCD-Y). RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 27(2).



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