Academic engagement and its impact on undergraduate student performance at the University of La Laguna


  • David López-Aguilar University of La Laguna
  • Pedro Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez University of La Laguna
  • Yaritza Garcés-Delgado University of La Laguna



Academic engagement, University students, Academic performance, Formative trajectories, Involvement in work


The attitude and involvement with which undergraduate university students approach their training process can have a significant impact on the academic results they obtain. The relationship that can occur between low involvement and the possibility of failing or dropping out of studies has led us to propose this research, where the relationship between engagement and academic performance is deepened. The engagement refers to the feeling of well-being of the students with respect to a challenge related to their training process. Students who are studying at university are exposed to living situations that make them more or less committed to their learning process, which can lead to obtain better or worse academic results. This ex-post-facto quantitative study, which was carried out with a sample of 564 first and second year students from the three degrees of the Faculty of Education of the University of La Laguna (Spain), aimed to analyze the relationship between academic commitment and performance in studies. The results reveal that students with higher scores in the different structural dimensions of academic commitment (vigor, dedication and absorption) have higher grades in the subjects they take. The discussion of the study focuses on the need to plan strategies to promote academic commitment in order to strengthen both the trajectories of adaptation and permanence in the degree and the achievement of better academic results in university students.


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Author Biographies

David López-Aguilar, University of La Laguna

Assistant Professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Research at the University of La Laguna (Spain). He currently participates as a research member in the University Group for Integrated Training and Orientation (GUFOI) and in the Innovation Group on Adaptability Competencies (GICA), both belonging to the catalog of consolidated groups of the University of La Laguna. He is a member of the Interuniversity Network of Guidance Teachers (RIPO) and the Interuniversity Association for Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE)

Pedro Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez, University of La Laguna

Professor of Professional Guidance in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research at the University of La Laguna (Spain). Director of the GUFOI Research Group, whose lines of work are: academic and professional transitions and trajectories; dropout, permanence and success in studies; adaptability skills; university orientation and tutoring. Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Guidance and Psychopedagogy; associate editor of the Spanish Journal of Orientation and Psychopedagogy (REOP); member of the Interuniversity Association for Pedagogical Research.

Yaritza Garcés-Delgado, University of La Laguna

Assistant Professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Research at the University of La Laguna (Spain). He is a research member in the University Group of Integrated Training and Orientation (GUFOI), in the Research Group of Educational and Socio-Labor Orientation (GIOES) and actively collaborates with the Laboratory of Education and New Technologies of the University of La Laguna (EDULLAB). She is a member of the Interuniversity Association for Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE).


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How to Cite

López-Aguilar, D., Álvarez-Pérez, P. R., & Garcés-Delgado, Y. . (2021). Academic engagement and its impact on undergraduate student performance at the University of La Laguna. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 27(1).



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