Equal opportunities and educational inclusion in Spain


  • Francisco López Rupérez <p>Camilo Jos&eacute; Cela University</p>
  • Eva Expósito Casas <p>UNED</p>
  • Isabel García García <p>Camilo Jos&eacute; Cela University</p>




Equality of opportunity, Educational inclusion, PISA 2015, Academic resilience, Social and emotional resilience, Personalization of teaching


There is a growing international consensus that considers equity as a necessary, though not sufficient, characteristic of the quality of education systems. PISA 2015 has established two fundamental pillars of equity: equal opportunities and educational inclusion. Regarding equal opportunities, the OECD has chosen to distinguish the influences on students from the circumstances, on the one hand, and the effort, on the other. Of the first the student would not be responsible; of the second if it would be, by virtue of their individual choices. Regarding educational inclusion, it has established a distinction between academic inclusion and social inclusion. The present work is based on that same conceptual framework, but it enriches the indicators of equality of opportunities through indexes of processes that would improve the results of the students operating on their circumstances from the school environment. From the samples of Spain and its seventeen autonomous communities in PISA 2015, this work makes the measurement of a broad set of indicators and analyzes the relationships between them. From this broad set of empirical results, it draws relevant consequences for the improvement of the education system in Spain and its autonomous communities in terms of equity


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Author Biographies

Francisco López Rupérez, <p>Camilo Jos&eacute; Cela University</p>

School of Education, Camilo José Cela University, Madrid, Spain. Director of the Chair of Education Policy in the School of Education at Camilo José Cela University (Madrid, Spain). He received his Ph D. from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been General Director, Deputy Minister of Education of Spain and President of the National Council for Education. His research has been focused on the fields of physics, science education and education policies

Eva Expósito Casas, <p>UNED</p>

School of Education at National University of Distance Education, Madrid, Spain. Assistant Professor at the Department of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education II in the School of Education at National University of Distance Education (Spain). She received her PhD. from The Complutense University of Madrid. Her research focuses broadly on the field of psychometrics and educational assessment, with a particular interest in methodological questions in large-scale educational assessments

Isabel García García, <p>Camilo Jos&eacute; Cela University</p>

School of Education, Camilo José Cela University, Madrid, Spain. Isabel García García is Professor of Mathematics, holds a degree in Mathematics from the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). She has been Head of Unit at the National Council for Education and technical advisor at the Council for Education of the Region of Madrid. She has issued some technical studies related to education and teaching materials related to Mathematics.



How to Cite

López Rupérez, F., Expósito Casas, E., & García García, I. (2019). Equal opportunities and educational inclusion in Spain. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.7203/relieve.25.2.14351



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