Family involvement in early childhood education


  • Joaquín Parra University of Murcia
  • María-Ángeles Gomariz University of Murcia
  • María-Ángeles Hernández-Prados University of Murcia
  • Mari-Paz García-Sanz University of Murcia



Family, school, kindergarten, participation


The benefits of the family implication in the educational process of children and its repercussion in the quality of the education are facts widely demonstrated. The aim of this research knew the range of possible groups whose children study in the stage of childhood education, formed from a set of variables of family participation and sociodemographics. Thus, this research counted on the help of 1953 Spanish families by means of a questionnaire ad hoc of 66 items, with high reliability. After further Cluster Analysis, the results show four family profile: 1) participative profile non normative, 2) non participative profile of not Spanish nationality, 3) participative profile normative 4) non normative profile of Spanish nationality. The more diffuse profile is number two, with no significant differences with the rest of the profiles. In addition, the magnitude of the differences between some profiles is not totally defined.


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Author Biographies

Joaquín Parra, University of Murcia

PhD in Pedagogy, University licensee of the department of Methods of Research and Diagnostic in Education (MIDE), University of Murcia. Research areas: relations family-educational centre and Diagnostics. Address: Faculty of Education, University Campus of Espinardo, 30100 Murcia ( Spain)

María-Ángeles Gomariz, University of Murcia

PhD in Pedagogy, Temporary Lecturer of the department of Methods of Research and  Diagnostic in Education (MIDE), University of Murcia. Reseasrch areas: relations family- educational centre, educational orientation,  tutorial action and Diagnostics in Education. Address: Faculty of Education,  University Campus of Espinardo, 30100 Murcia (Spain).

María-Ángeles Hernández-Prados, University of Murcia

PhD in Pedagogy, Temporary Lecturer of the department of Theory and History of the Education, University of Murcia. Research areas: familly education, values education, citizenship, cohabitation and society of information. Address: Faculty of Education, University Campus of Espinardo, 30100 Murcia (Spain).

Mari-Paz García-Sanz, University of Murcia

PhD in Pedagogy, Professor of the department of Methods of Research and Diagnostic in Education  (MIDE), University of Murcia. Research areas: relations familly- educational centre, assessment of educational programmes, and planning,  learning and  competence assessment. Address: Faculty of Education,  University Campus of  Espinardo, 30100 Murcia (Spain).



How to Cite

Parra, J., Gomariz, M.- Ángeles, Hernández-Prados, M.- Ángeles, & García-Sanz, M.-P. (2017). Family involvement in early childhood education. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 23(1).



Research Articles