Development and validation of a scale for measuring intercultural empathy


  • Hugo González-González University of Cordoba
  • José-Luis Álvarez-Castillo University of Cordoba
  • Gemma Fernández-Caminero University of Cordoba



Empathy, intercultural communication, validity, intergroup bias


La investigación y la práctica relacionadas con el uso de estrategias empáticas en entornos educativos multiculturales se está revelando como una de las más eficaces vías para la lucha contra el sesgo intergrupal. El objeto del presente estudio es diseñar un instrumento de medición de la empatía intercultural en su componente afectivo, específico para la población española y hacia la población de origen marroquí, que permita diagnosticar este rasgo o capacidad antes de aplicar estrategias educativas en entornos multiculturales. Con este propósito se utilizaron dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios para realizar una validación cruzada y, mediante análisis factorial exploratorio (utilizando el software Factor) y confirmatorio (SPSS-AMOS), se obtuvo una estructura de 3 factores: preocupación empática, comprensión y afecto. Los índices de bondad de ajuste, así como la validez y fiabilidad revelada por los análisis multidimensionales, demuestran que el modelo es óptimo. Finalmente se discute la conveniencia de diseñar instrumentos específicos en los que se tenga en consideración el perfil de las poblaciones objeto de estudio en ámbitos multiculturales.


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Author Biographies

Hugo González-González, University of Cordoba

Assistant Professor of the Department of Education at the University of Cordoba (UCO). He is the corresponding author for this article. Member of the research group "Education, Diversity and Society" of the Andalusian Research Plan. Coordinator of Theory and History of the Education Department in the Faculty of Education at the UCO. Research areas: inclusive and intercultural education, moral education, social cognition and prejudice reduction strategies. Postal address: Departamento de Educación. Universidad de Córdoba. Av. San Alerto Magno s/n 14074 - Cordoba (Spain).

José-Luis Álvarez-Castillo, University of Cordoba

Associate Professor of the Department of Education at the University of Cordoba. Director of the Doctoral Program in Education. Coordinator of the research group "Education, Diversity and Society" of the Andalusian Research Plan. It was until recently director of Teacher Training and Teaching Innovation at the University of Cordoba. Research areas: inclusive and intercultural education, social cognition and prejudice reduction strategies. Postal address: Department of Education. University of Cordoba. Av. San Alerto Magno s / n 14074 - Cordoba (Spain).

Gemma Fernández-Caminero, University of Cordoba

Masters in Inclusive Education. Professor of the Department of Education at the University of Cordoba (UCO). Member of the research group "Education, Diversity and Society" of the Andalusian Research Plan. Coordinator of the Degree of Social Education at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UCO. Research areas: inclusive and intercultural education, social education, education for coexistence. Postal address: Department of Education. University of Cordoba. Av. San Alerto Magno s / n 14074 - Cordoba (Spain).



How to Cite

González-González, H., Álvarez-Castillo, J.-L., & Fernández-Caminero, G. (2015). Development and validation of a scale for measuring intercultural empathy. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 21(2).



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