The Translator’s Voice in Educated or Scholarly Novels: Louis Aragon’s El campesino de París (1979) versus El aldeano de París (2016)


  • Marian Panchón Hidalgo Universidad de Salamanca Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès



Translation, Translator’s footnotes, Louis Aragon, Scholarly novels


The aim of this paper is to compare the translator’s footnotes of French surrealist author Louis Aragon’s novel El campesino de París (1979) with those of El aldeano de París (2016) in order to confirm that there has been a change, making the translator more visible in the novels intended for educated or scholarly audiences. We have based our approach on the division made by Donaire Fernández (1991) between linguistic and cultural notes. Thanks to this analysis, we have found that both publishing houses (Bruguera and Errata Naturae) give an important role to the translator, but it is Errata Naturae, publisher of El aldeano de París (2016), which has let the voice of the translator be more strongly heard. This corroborates the evolution of the current publishing industry, which, through these notes, makes the work of the translator in this kind of novels increasingly visible.


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How to Cite

Panchón Hidalgo, M. (2020). The Translator’s Voice in Educated or Scholarly Novels: Louis Aragon’s El campesino de París (1979) versus El aldeano de París (2016). Sendebar, 31, 355–372.



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