Criteria for the Integration of Term Banks in the Professional Translation Environment


  • Miguel Ángel Candel-Mora Universitat Politécnica de Valencia



Translation-oriented terminology management, CAT tools, specialized translation, freelance translators


Translation-oriented terminology management is not only limited to the study of terminology problems with regards to specialization, currency, and reliability. The integration of terminology data bases within CAT tools facilitating their use, maintenance and retrieval towards the automation of the translation process and consistency of terminology has also attracted attention from the academia and the language industry alike. However, this approach to terminology management seems to be carried out from a mostly theoretical perspective. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the results of a survey conducted among professional translators in Spain regarding their actual experience with terminology in order to identify potential gaps between the technological offer and the specific needs of translators.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Candel-Mora, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia

Profesor titular de universidad

Departamento de lingüística aplicada

Universitat Politécnica de Valencia


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How to Cite

Candel-Mora, M. Ángel. (2017). Criteria for the Integration of Term Banks in the Professional Translation Environment. Sendebar, 28, 243–260.

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