Telephone Interpreting and Professional Practice. A Case Study of Two Companies Providing the Service in Spain


  • María Isabel del Pozo Triviño Universidad de Vigo
  • Lucía Campillo Rey Universidad de Vigo



community interpreting, telephone interpreting, professional practice in telephone interpreting, professional ethics


Telephone interpreting is increasingly used in public services in Spain due to the advantages it provides, among which the most remarkable are: low cost, immediate availability, anonymity, etc. As a consequence of this rising presence, telephone interpreting has become the object of scientific research and studies in the past years (Rosenberg 2007, Kelly 2008, Fernández Pérez 2012 and 2015, among others).

This article reviews the scientific literature on this topic and analyses the professional guidelines provided by the two main companies providing this service in Spain. Lastly, the degree of convergence between the characteristics of telephone interpreting depicted in the reviewed bibliography and the professional guidelines of the analysed companies is described.


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Author Biography

María Isabel del Pozo Triviño, Universidad de Vigo

Dpto. de Traducción y Lingüística


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How to Cite

del Pozo Triviño, M. I., & Campillo Rey, L. (2016). Telephone Interpreting and Professional Practice. A Case Study of Two Companies Providing the Service in Spain. Sendebar, 27, 73–95.



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