Hopscotch by Gregory Rabassa: the Challenge of Translating Rayuela





Julio Cortázar, Rayuela, translation, Hopscotch, Gregory Rabassa


In the following paper a comparative analysis between Rayuela and Hopscotch is carried out, the translation by Gregory Rabassa into English. The Julio Cortázar’s opinion on translation process is also analyzed, through his letters, and also his degree of involvement in the translation. Likewise, the modifications the translator was obligated to make are enquired, pointing to linguistic and stylistic matters, to determine in what way is Julio Cortazar’s writing projected in this language whose stylistic features aren’t its own. The adopted methodology starts from system theory, that is, it has sought to link the changes operated by Rabassa with the difference between the original novel’s ideology textual and that of its translation, in order to transcend immanentist purposes through a translation’s socio-critical reading.


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Author Biography

Ana Davis González, Universidad de Sevilla

Becaria FPU en el Departamento de Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana


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How to Cite

Davis González, A. (2022). Hopscotch by Gregory Rabassa: the Challenge of Translating Rayuela. Sendebar, 33, 7–23. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v33.22759



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