The lockdown generation: Facing multiple crises in education and the labour market




adolescents; disadvantaged youth; secondary schools; young adults; educational reforms


The aim of this article is to analyse the impact of both the latest education system reforms in Poland and the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational trajectories and the labour market situation of vulnerable youth.

To fully grasp the complexity of the current circumstances we start with a review of research on the so-called “lockdown generation”, i.e. young people who, as a result of the pandemic, have had their participation in education and vocational training hindered for a long time due to political decisions on school closures and online education. These analyses are complemented by individual interviews with relevant stakeholders.

The results of the analyses conducted so far show the disturbing effects of the current political changes and global crises on the trajectories and labour market entry of groups that are habitually considered as the most at risk of educational exclusion.

We discuss the greatest barriers and new inequalities created by the current accumulation of adverse external contextual factors and pre-existing risk factors at the individual and meso levels, as well as possible systemic measures of support for young people.


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Biografias Autor

Hanna Tomaszewska-Pękała, University of Warsaw

PhD in Humanities in the field of Pedagogy; assistant professor (adjunct) at the Faculty of Education at the University of Warsaw (Department of Education Policy and Social Research on Education). Her research interests include early leaving from education and training, education policy analysis, assessment of social and educational situation of children and families.

Paulina Marchlik, University of Warsaw

PhD in Social Sciences in the discipline of Pedagogy; senior assistant at the Faculty of Education at the University of Warsaw (Department of Education Policy and Social Research on Education). Research interests include language teaching, teacher education, early leaving from education and training, youth at risk of exclusion, qualitative research methods.

Ewelina Zubala, University of Warsaw

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education.University of Warsaw. Graduated from both the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation, PhD title in the field of social sciences.
Research interests focus on: child and family support, parenting skills, group work, work with children and young people at risk, as well as educators support.


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Como Citar

Tomaszewska-Pękała, H., Marchlik, P., & Zubala, E. (2022). The lockdown generation: Facing multiple crises in education and the labour market. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 26(3), 173–193.