Nuevas perspectivas para el profesorado de educación física: Las enseñanzas deportivas de régimen especial


  • Patricio López Tarrida Junta de Andalucía
  • Gema Chamorro Moriana Universidad de Sevilla


sports lessons, coaching, teaching, graduates, physical education.


In Andalusia, there are only six schools where special regime sports’ teaching is provided, all of them private. There is no opportunity to teach in any public school in the absence of any with these features in our community. With this article we try to raise awareness, through the review of the specific regulations on sports education, of the existence of a professional field where the group of Secondary School Teachers in Physical Education, as well as graduates in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports or equivalent qualifications, can exercise their profession. This new field we refer is approached from two points of view: • From the point of view of the professional practice of athletic trainers in the field of sports, since we enjoy certain benefits in the existing regulations on sports education that allow us to obtain more easily the Sports Technician qualification, Technical and Superior Sports coaches from Levels I, II and III (taught by federations) in the relevant sport, by the fact of having the degree of Bachelor of Science in Sport and Physical Activity. • From the practice of teaching in public and private sports lessons, as the rule states a teacher certification requirements intended to impart these teachings, where the group of graduates in Physical Education acquires prominence. The review of the rules on sports education has been conducted from a qualitative methodological perspective, using the documentary observation technique. Using this technique, we have compiled all the information about the issues that will be studied, allowing more precise information about the professional field of sports education and legislation that regulates them, paying particular attention to teachers that taught and procurement processes of sports qualifications. Through this review, we establish the opportunities offered by both types of teachings (the special regime Sports and sporting formations given by P. Transient federations) for our group of graduates in Physical Education, either for exercise of the teaching role in them or to study them and get the degree that will permit the exercise of the profession of sports coach, so as to expand our career prospects.


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Como Citar

López Tarrida, P., & Chamorro Moriana, G. (2013). Nuevas perspectivas para el profesorado de educación física: Las enseñanzas deportivas de régimen especial. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 17(1), 401–429. Obtido de