Integrating Semantic Web Technologies in Archival Science
Mots-clés :
Archival Science, Semantic Web, OntologiesRésumé
Traditional archival science has to face the challenge of adapting its theoretical and heuristic principles to be applied in digital-based work environments. The adopti on of new information technologies, as Semantic Web technologies, can provide the chance to improve information description, access and retrieval in these platforms. In this paper using authors propose apply several semantic languages and methodologies to design and manage web ontologies applied to developarchival tools. Finally, it’s concluded that incorporating these technologies and methodologies into archivist’s curriculum can be done in a natural way, thus complementing competences and skills that these professionals already acquired along their academic training.
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Comment citer
Morales-del-Castillo, J. M., & Hurtado Martín, G. (2011). Integrating Semantic Web Technologies in Archival Science. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(1), 163–177. Consulté à l’adresse