Teaching in ICT-mediated classes: A continuing education project for architects and civil engineers


  • Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas University Federal of Panamá (Brasil)
  • Ricardo Mendes Junior University Federal of Panamá (Brasil)
  • Sérgio Scheer University Federal of Panamá (Brasil)
  • Sergio Fernando Tavares University Federal of Panamá (Brasil)

Mots-clés :

digital inclusion, ICT, university teaching, teacher and student


The paper reports a proposal on continuing education for architect and civil engineer - named technical residence. In this project, faculty share theoretical and practical experiences with bureaucrats, engineers and architects newly-formed, in a partnership between the University and a public agency of the Province of Paraná - Brazil. During training, teachers and students discuss and seek solutions to the problems experienced by participants using videoconferencing
and the internet, in a postgraduate course. The article aims to reflect the activity of teaching in ICT-mediated lessons (video, computer, audio and vi deo system broadcast). In the analysis of the task done by the teacher at the time of transmission of videoconferencing some problems were detected whose consequences are, especially, the lack of interaction student / teacher. For the teachers and students to increase interactivity means the total or partial understanding of the
content offered, increasing absorption and knowing of the subject in the short term. It follows that it has to invest in research techniques and tools for easy use by the teacher, allowing the commitment of the teacher in the construction of the content


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Comment citer

Duarte Freitas, M. do C., Mendes Junior, R., Scheer, S., & Tavares, S. F. (2011). Teaching in ICT-mediated classes: A continuing education project for architects and civil engineers. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(1), 67–74. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/profesorado/article/view/20150