School leadership practices involved in the promotion of Social Justice: A Case Study in Secondary Education
Mots-clés :
Leadership, Social Justice, Secondary Education, Inclusive Education.Résumé
Research has shown that the school principals influence the school culture and the student
performance. However, we do not precisely known the leading practices that contribute to
promote Social Justice and thus to reverse inequality consolidation processes.
From a three dimensional Social Justice perspective based on the recognition, redistribution and
representation, an extensive study has been developed in order to understand the practices from
successful leaders in highly heterogeneous contexts, and to know how to influence the school performance. To carry out this research in Secondary Schools and Primary Schools, a qualitative methodology was used, focused on the features and personal aspects of the leader, as well asorganizational elements linked to the school culture. The paper presents the results obtained from a case study conducted in Secondary Education using focus interviews that were analysed withAtlas.ti6 software. The research has improved the understanding of the school commitment and with a shared vision, in which all members are consciously building a culture that promotes Social Justice. It also has been found that the principal that works towards a fairer school has a
deep pedagogical leadership, with a view of the school linked to the context and the families that
make it up.