Questionnaire design (OPPUMAUGR and OPEUMAUGR): The views and perceptions of teachers and students about the use of active methodologies in the university


  • Ma José León Guerrero Universidad de Granada
  • Emilio Crisol Moya Universidad de Granada

Palabras clave:

Questionnaire, students, teachers, opinions, perceptions, active methodologies, design, validation


This paper presents the design and validation of two questionnaires to teachers and students,
aimed to know the opinion and perception on the use of active methods in the university. The
sample was part of the pilot study was composed of 40 professors from the Departments. Didactics
and School Organization and Psychology, both from the Faculty of Education at the University of
and 40 students from the Degree of Master of Specialization in Foreign Language from
the same Faculty and University. In both questionnaires are paper and the procedures followed for
its 4.
validity and reliability.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.




Cómo citar

León Guerrero, M. J., & Crisol Moya, E. (2011). Questionnaire design (OPPUMAUGR and OPEUMAUGR): The views and perceptions of teachers and students about the use of active methodologies in the university. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(2), 271–289. Recuperado a partir de