Leadership, values and school community in Latin American Secondary Schools. Perceptions and Challenges.
MOOC, tecnología educativa, educación superior, planes de estudio de educación, innovación docenteAbstract
This research deals with the role of principals in Latin-American secondary schools. Becoming a school leader is a slow process which demands a series of management and administration skills, and also a series of personal values which define his/her leadership in the community and promote a suitable environment for learning. In this study, we look into the values they attempt to apply in their work and the challenges they face when building an educational community. Through a cross-case study, we address the reality of seven Latin-American principals. To do so, we have chosen a qualitative approach in which semi-structured interviews and observation are our data-gathering techniques. In the findings, we stress the importance of honesty, justice or courage and cordiality as values which mark his/her management. However, teacher resistance and the lack of family support are key factors in the building of a united community.
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