Perceived student satisfaction and professional relevance in the Practicum


  • Antonio Pantoja Vallejo Universidad de Jaén
  • África Cámara Estrella Universidad de Jaén
  • David Molero López-Barajas Universidad de Jaén



higher education, teacher evaluation, teacher training, tutor training



The investigation outlined proposes to discover and explain the degree of satisfaction and professional relevance by students of degrees in infant and primary education from the University of Jaen (Spain) in relation to the Practicum. The participants are 537 students from these degree courses. A scale is used to analyse the dimensions of the Practicum. In the different medians analysis performed, statistically significant differences found between the degree variable (infant vs primary) and type of Practicum (p<.01). Beta=.638,rt of the prediction,manceationThe regression study results indicate that the model variables (Factor 1 and Factor 2) explain 49.2% of the variance. In light of the results, the following are proposed as improvements: to boost the centres to participate and be involved in the design of the Practicum to achieve greater connection between the university classroom and the reality of schools, to enter the Practicum in the training curriculum of the students, and to review the assessment instruments, improve them and adapt them to new educational realities.


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How to Cite

Pantoja Vallejo, A., Cámara Estrella, África, & Molero López-Barajas, D. (2019). Perceived student satisfaction and professional relevance in the Practicum. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 23(1), 365–392.