Estructural equation model and Validation of the TPACK model: empirical study
Knowledge, construction of didactic models, evaluation, validityAbstract
The viability and validity of the TPACK model and the interactions established as well as those of the diagnostic instrument used for this are analyzed through the structural equations model.
The sample consisted of 1368 teachers from different Latin American countries and the instruments used for the diagnosis of TPACK were several, focusing on questionnaires, non-participant observation and interview, using in this case the one elaborated by Schmidt et al. (2009).
The main purpose of the study, which was the validation of a TPACK model, has been confirmed, and it can be pointed out that there is a significant model to be able to suggest proposals for the training of teachers in the educational use of ICT, and to understand Its educational functioning.
It demonstrates the effectiveness of the model, the possibilities offered by the methodology of the structural equations and validates an instrument of analysis of the TAM towards RA. At the same time, the findings suggest that the relationships that can be established between the different dimensions of the TPACK are more complex than presented in the model, which requires a deepening in its conceptualization and understanding.
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