Una Experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo en las aulas universitarias
active methodologies, audiovisual resources, cooperative learning, university teachingAbstract
Participatory methodologies, specifically cooperative learning, have burst into university classrooms, due to the methodological changes that are taking place in them as a result of the demands of today's society. In this work we wanted to combine cooperative learning with the use of ICT, through audiovisual resources, to show students real-life situations, thus encouraging reflection, autonomy, participation through individual and small group work to achieve their own learning, always under the supervision of the teacher. In this study, 707 students from two universities in Extremadura and Murcia from different undergraduate and master's degree programmes took part, using an ad hoc questionnaire made up of 25 items, divided into 4 dimensions, which aimed to assess the use of cooperative learning and to find out student satisfaction with the use of these methodologies using audiovisual resources. The results support the benefits of these methodologies in university classrooms as they foster communication skills, information search, problem solving, teamwork, among others; in relation to the use of audiovisual media, this has favoured the understanding of real situations. The combination of cooperative learning and audiovisual resources has allowed most of the students to be very satisfied and they would repeat the experience or recommend it.
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