Tendencias actuales en los estudios sobre Competencia Digital en Educación Primaria
The Digital Competence (DC) is one of the eight key competences in the Spanish curriculum. Despite its importance there are barely any curricular specifications at the state level for its development in primary education, and the existing ones are mainly specific aspects gathered by the schools in their didactic programmes. To understand the current tendencies to develop the DC in the primary school classroom this paper presents a systematic review with two objectives: to identify the studies that develop this competence through didactic interventions, looking at specific indicators, and to gather and analyze information regarding their general and methodological aspects. Our results indicate a lack of formal research about this competency, the variability and specificity of the interventions, their instruments and timing, as well as the positive impact that they have in the students DC´s development. The analysis and discussion of the in depth indicators underlines the need to establish concrete guideline to contribute to the scientific literature and overcome the diversity of the processing, definition and development of this fundamental competence.