Accompanying teachers in their first jobs


  • Beatriz Alen Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente de la República Argentina


beginning teachers, mentors, teacher induction


The purpose of this communication is to present some aspects of the experience up to the novice teachers in their first job, experience we have been developing since the Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente de la República Argentina, together with the Directorate of Higher Education of fifteen provinces and with 79 Institutes of Higher Education Teaching (12% of all public institutions of teacher education in the country). The accompaniment to the novel, while new role of trainer of Argentina, presents us with those responsible for managing a fundamental challenge: to promote the joints between the necessary policy guidelines and effective practices of the trainers who accompany teachers and professors at the beginning of their professional work. In these pages, after making a brief description of the system trainer for my country, I’ll relate about the work about mentoring beginning teachers that are performing during the last three years. Then, I’ll comment on the current lines of analysis and problematization derived from this new role assigned to the Institutes of Higher Education and, finally, I’ll turn to strategies that we pursue for this innovation..


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How to Cite

Alen, B. (2009). Accompanying teachers in their first jobs. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 13(1), 79–87. Retrieved from