Digitization of rural schools in Asturias: Rural teachers 2.0 and local development


  • Ma Esther del Moral Pérez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Lourdes Villalustre Martínez Universidad de Oviedo


rural school, teachers 2.0, digital competences, local development


Rural schools are characterized by their permeability to absorb the technological innovations of
the digital age in which it is inserted. The Project School 2.0, which is promoting the Ministry of
Education and the Autonomous Communities, is a clear example of the digitization process that is
developing in rural schools, by equipping classrooms and students with different technological
It is true that technology pervades the school and that all efforts are aimed at qualifying teachers
to use digital tools. Significantly, the increase in enrolment of students in teacher training, from
the 9 universities that comprise the Shared Virtual Campus of G9 in "Education in the rural area"
from the year 2002-2003 to 2009-2010 -, highlighting demand that they make a better adaptation
of training contents to the rural context.
The rural teacher 2.0 training requires a focused, first, to know the web 2.0 tools for use in the
classroom teaching, and secondly, to understand the learning processes developed in a rural
context. The teacher should be able to design projects and initiatives that integrate all the social
educational and facilitate the sharing of experiences and activities to learn about other realities
and contexts, but without renouncing their own identity and traditions, promoting their


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How to Cite

del Moral Pérez, M. E., & Villalustre Martínez, L. (2011). Digitization of rural schools in Asturias: Rural teachers 2.0 and local development. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 15(2), 110–123. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/profesorado/article/view/20263