Analysis of competences and employment opportunities in postgraduate teaching. Methodological approach to evaluating an intercampus master degree in environmental education
Competencies, evaluation, graduate, environmental education, survey methodologyAbstract
The model of competencies is already a reality in the design of the current undergraduate and graduate degrees. This research, that has been development at the context of Andalusia (Spain), uses survey methodology to analyze the relevance and the degree of development of the competencies included in graduate education. An Intercampus Official Master Degree in Environmental Education. In the methodological approach of surveys, it has been designed three versions on questionnaire to three relevant samples: Environmental Education specialists, currents students and graduates of the same Master. The desi gn of the instrument allows us to analyze the relevance and degree of development of competenci es and to relate these elements to the areasand sectors where there are more job opportunities. The results and conclusions help to guide on whether to work or not certain competencies and provide information on the areas and sectors where there are job opportunities for environmental educators. The procedure is also shown as a possible model (methodological approach) in the evaluation of competencies in other
undergraduate and graduate degrees.
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How to Cite
Ponce Morales, I., & Tójar Hurtado, J. C. (2014). Analysis of competences and employment opportunities in postgraduate teaching. Methodological approach to evaluating an intercampus master degree in environmental education. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 18(2), 171–187. Retrieved from