Nomadic knowledge, intercultural coexistence, and social change: Intercultural missions, a case study
Informal Learning, Nomadic Knowledge, Interculture, Local DevelopmentAbstract
This paper originates in a community participation project in the areas of culture, informal education and local development that studies the joint construction of knowledge between two groups: the local network and the group of external agents that we call cultural nomads. The objective of this research is to find out and describe if this interaction results in the joint construction of knowledge, intercultural harmony and if it also produces transformations in people and in the participating groups. The research was conducted using the case study approach by means of collaborative and participatory ethnography tools. The main results of the investigation concerning the interaction between local and nomadic knowledge point out to: dialogue, acceptance, commitment and change of perspe ctive as primary keys of this process of co-creation of meaning. Likewise, concerning the experience of "living with" the identified key factors are: hosting, wandering, conflict, cohesion and involvement, and, thirdly, on the changes and the impact of the project on people and groups participating we underline: mixed identities, widening perspectives, inclusion and solidarity as the main axes of the dynamics generated by the participants.