Training for professional insertion of beginning Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education teachers: toward reflection based on training and emotional support
program of professional insertion, new professorship of infantile, primary and secondary education, emotional support, mentoring, reflection on the practice, groups of support between be equal, study of caseAbstract
We hereby present an investigation into the appropriateness of design and into the impact of a training programme for beginner teachers carried out 2007-08 in Tarragona (Catalonia).
We have noted a low level of self-confidence in teachers’ perception of their abilities both in infants’/primary schools and in secondary with respect to the contents blocks which the programme proposes. At the same time, when it comes to interests expressed by teachers, we detect frameworks related to two very distinct educational paradigms. One, which has a childcentred
focus, is present among infants’/primary school staff and another, more academic approach is prevalent at secondary level. As to the emotional process gone through by beginner teachers starting work at schools, we have identified the stages of “emotional impact” and “consolidation” which require specific pastoral and emotional self-regulation strategies.
We conclude that the methodology for training for integration into schools should foster reflection on one’s own working practices using, for example, case studies and using groups of equals as a way of reconstructing professional patterns aimed at an approach which is more centred on the holistic development of pupils. Meanwhile we find it necessary to set up mentoring on the part of both teacher trainers and senior school staff in order to build reflective platforms of emotional support.