The MOOC in the educational platform MiriadaX


  • Rosario Medina-Salguero University of Huelva
  • Ignacio Aguaded

Palabras clave:

MOOC, higher education, educational innovation, MiriadaX, formation


Nowadays the formative processes in the higher education are going towards a new format that integrates three basic beginning: gratuitousness, massive and ubiquity. This beginning is the matrix of named, with english abbreviation, MOOC (Courses Online Massive Open). This isruptive innovation has incited a revolution in the universitary education, removing the organizational traditional structure of the universities. For it, this paper describes the environment MOOC of the platform MiriadaX  ( In addi tion, this study develops, from a descriptive perspective, the genesis and paradigmatic foundation in which there is sustained the platform MiriadaX and the elements that integrate it. Finally, it shows the elements that compose a MOOC and, as an
example, the didactic implementation of the course workspace





Cómo citar

Medina-Salguero, R., & Aguaded, I. (2014). The MOOC in the educational platform MiriadaX. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 18(1), 137–153. Recuperado a partir de