Frustration of basic psychological needs and emotions in communicative intent in English as a foreign language


  • Carmen Fernandez-Ortega University of Almeria
  • Rubén Trigueros University of Almeria
  • Antonio Fernández Junta de Andalucía



psychological needs frustration; embarrassment; anxiety; hopelessness; motivation; communicative intention; English


Despite educational policies focused on the promotion of multilingualism in schools, the English language-proficiency levels of young-Spaniards continue to be far below those of OECD countries. This is despite the appearance in recent years of multiple studies that have addressed the communicative competence and its intention from studies that have focused on the positive way without focusing on the problems or blockages that may be causing the lack of skills and competencies to communicate by our young people. Therefore, the aim of the study is to analyze the influence of basic psychological needs on emotions related to embarrassment, anxiety and hopelessness, motivation and communicative intention in English. The sample of participants was 786 high-school students. The analyses employed are reliability analyses, mean, SD, bivariate correlations and structural equation model. The results have shown that frustration of psychological needs positively predicts anxiety, shame and hopelessness, in turn, each of these emotions negatively predicts motivation and communicative intention. However, motivation positively predicts communicative intention. These findings from a negative perspective of students' failure in their English language use could reinforce the use of classroom interventions and teaching strategies that reinforce students' confidence in English-language use in the classroom and in other contexts.


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Author Biography

Rubén Trigueros, University of Almeria

Profesor acreditado como Titular por la ANECA. Experiencia docente de más de 5 años en la Universidad de Almería, en el Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Investigador colaborador de proyectos nacionales (I+D+I) e internacionales (Programa Erasmus+, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships y Open researchers). Investigador principal de un proyecto internacional (Cei Cambio). Diversas publicaciones en revistas indexadas en JCR y SJR, en el área de la Educación Física, actividad física y de la salud mental.


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How to Cite

Fernandez-Ortega, C., Trigueros, R., & Fernández, A. (2024). Frustration of basic psychological needs and emotions in communicative intent in English as a foreign language. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (42), 197–214.


