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Sistematización del proceso de formación inicial de la función orientadora para la convivencia escolar y la atención a la diversidad en la Licenciatura en Educación. Pedagogía-Psicología.


  • Maydel Martínez Ferrer Profesora
  • Odalis Ruiz Pérez
  • Karel Llopiz Guerra



systematization, function, guidance, coexistence, training.


Systematization is presented as a process that takes into consideration the experience of the author and the pedagogical group with which she works. The process of initial formation of the guiding function for school coexistence in the Bachelor of Education is systematized. Pedagogy-Psychology, at the Central University Marta Abreu de las Villas, based on the results obtained in the exploratory study. The systematization of the professional guidance function through the contextualized knowledge system is taken into consideration. The objective is defined: Characterize the process of initial formation of the guiding function for school coexistence in the Bachelor of Education. Pedagogy-Psychology


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How to Cite

Martínez Ferrer, M., Ruiz Pérez, O. ., & Llopiz Guerra, K. (2022). Sistematización del proceso de formación inicial de la función orientadora para la convivencia escolar y la atención a la diversidad en la Licenciatura en Educación. Pedagogía-Psicología . The Educational Journal of Works Aimed at the XXI Century (XXI CHALLENGES), 6(1).