




学会学习, 基于能力的教育, 高等教育, 教育计划


“学会学习”(Aprender a Aprender, AaA)能力是欧洲联盟(2006和2018年)提出的终身学习关键能力之一。尽管该能力在中小学阶段的教育中已有所涉及,但研究表明,许多大学生在这一方面的掌握仍然不足。本研究在瓦伦西亚大学教育学和社会教育学位课程中实施了一项教学计划,旨在提高学生对这一关键能力的掌握水平。研究采用了准实验设计,包括前测-后测的对比分析,研究样本为来自三个实验组的116名学生,同时还收集了定性数据。教学计划整合于课程教学中,分为五个时长约一小时的培训单元,主要涵盖“学会学习”能力的核心内容:认知、元认知和伦理技能。测量工具包括CECAPEU问卷和专为研究开发的评价量表。数据分析表明,实验组学生在认知、元认知和伦理三个维度的问卷得分,以及评价量表中与教学计划相关的内容得分均有显著性统计提升。参与学生对教学计划的效果给予了积极评价。研究结果验证了该教学计划的有效性,并强调通过将此类计划整合到课程教学中,以及使用包括实际任务能力评估在内的多元评估工具,有助于进一步推动学生对这一关键能力的掌握。





Professor of Theory of Education at the University of Valencia. First National Prize for Educational Research in 2000 and 2002. His current line of research and the competitive projects he has directed are focused on teaching and learning at the university. He directs the GIPU-EA group. He has participated in 16 funded research projects, of which he has directed 11. He is an evaluator of national and regional agency research projects.


Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Theory, University of Valencia, Spain. His work focuses on learning difficulties and processes, and his latest publications offer collaborative methods for addressing asynchronous online learning challenges among university students.


Permanent Professor at the Department of Education Theory at the University of Valencia. Diploma in Teaching; Degree in Pedagogy. Master's degree in Spanish as a foreign language (University of Southern California, USA). PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia. Research track in topics of intercultural-bilingual education, learning strategies, development cooperation and creativity in education.


Associate Professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the University of Valencia. Doctor in Educational Sciences. His research career focuses on the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education, 21st century competences, student learning processes, educational measurement and educational research methodology. In 2004, he was awarded the National Prize for Educational Research by the Ministry of Education and Science for his research on the integration of ICT in education.


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