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  • María del Pilar Tudela-Vázquez Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad de Granada (España)
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2013), Articles, pages 113-132
Submitted: Jun 30, 2013 Published: Jun 30, 2013
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Women´s Human Rights are often conceived from global frameworks and, –in universalist terms- to be locally applied. This exercise of “translation” demands us to situate our analysis on those spaces where it is shaped, addressing those different discourses and social actors involved. We find a good example in the grassroots women movements, actively inserted in the political context to propose an intersectional analysis that allows us to contextualize and multiply gender experiences. This work is located in United States and carried out in spaces of creative tension, allowing us to address the dynamics that intervene in local translation of Women´s Human Rights. This study is focused on the work developed by the collective “Mujeres Unidas y Activas” through its campaign “Echoes of the Silence: Raising our Voices” as an example of local translation of Human Rights


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Tudela-Vázquez, M. del P. (2013). “ECHOES OF SILENCE, RAISING OUR VOICES”: LOCAL TRANSLATIONS OF WOMEN´S HUMAN RIGHTS. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 3(4), 113–132.