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  • Eva Somovilla-Adame University of Malaga -Spain-
  • Javier Aguilera-Ríos University of Malaga -Spain-
  • Raúl Berrocal-Campano University of Malaga -Spain-
  • Laura Domínguez-de-la-Rosa University of Malaga -Spain-
Vol. 6 No. 10 (2016), Unversitas, pages 96-120
Submitted: Nov 3, 2015 Accepted: May 3, 2016 Published: May 26, 2016
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This article presents the results of a research whose aim has been to know how the discourse on the phenomenon of child to parent violence is being built socially, in the family and professional fields. A multifocal analysis will help to delve in understanding of this social reality that implicate us from the Social Work. It has been applied a qualitative method of psychosocial orientation. Specifically, the discourse analysis based on the perspective of Potter & Wetherell (1987) and their concepts “construction” and “interpretative repertoires”. Several agents have been interviewed about this type of violence, such as aggressor, victim and different professionals. This way, three interpretative repertoires  have been obtained, which are interrelated: “The teaching is responsibility of the school but the education is the privilege of the family”, “Depathologize the violence is a matter of limits" and “The cocktail without principles nor respect”. It is found that an educational model based on meaningful learning and empathy becomes an essential instrument in the construction of this phenomenon. Thus, an education based on empathetic values should be noted as an emerging psychosocial resource to prevent the violence from sons and daughters against their parents.



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Somovilla-Adame, E., Aguilera-Ríos, J., Berrocal-Campano, R., & Domínguez-de-la-Rosa, L. (2016). Discourse on child to parent violence: professional and family fields. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 6(10), 96–120.