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  • Haidée de Caez-Pedroso- Rodrigues Universidade Federal Fluminense de Niterói - Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Vol. 5 No. 8 (2015), Articles, pages 3-25
Submitted: Apr 20, 2015 Accepted: Jun 20, 2015 Published: Jun 25, 2015
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This article deals with the social assistance policy in Brazil. It Is based on the critical social theory and brings as a starting point reflections on the relationship between capital accumulation and the emergence of the social question. Considering the Brazilian society and the correlation of forces between social classes, we try to present as the social rights were made in the country. Into contemporary debate, we have reviewed the main social causes, political and economic that mediated the implementation of social policies in the context of neoliberal reforms in the 1990s, when come to the fore the income transfer programs as poverty reduction strategies. When the Trabalhadores Party takes the federal government, some changes occurred mainly in the management of social welfare policy, but the liberal-conservative character of social policies remains, and in particular the actions recommended in the Bolsa Família Program. These elements point to the challenges of professionals working in the management and implementation of these social policies that are committed to the interests of the working class, both in terms of their training with regard to their professional practice.


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Rodrigues, H. de C.-P.-. (2015). ASSISTANCE SOCIAL POLICY IN BRAZIL AND BOLSA FAMÍLIA PROGRAM: CRITICAL POINTS. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 5(8), 3–25.