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  • Patricia González-Navasa Universidad de La Laguna
  • Eduardo Martín Universidad de La Laguna
Vol. 10 No. 19 (2020), Epistemes, pages 180-200
Submitted: Apr 27, 2020 Accepted: Nov 30, 2020 Published: Dec 21, 2020
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One of the great challenges of residential care is combining the principles of specialization, to deal with these youngsters' problems, with the principle of normalization, by which they are intended to lead a life as close as possible to that of the boys and girls who live with a family. The objective of this work is to analyze the resources that are activated from residential care to work with the youngsters who are admitted. The sample is made up of 226 youngsters living in residential care. The Individualized Educational Projects available in the Evaluation and Registration System of Residential Care (SERAR) were reviewed to collect the resources that the professionals use to work with these adolescents. Through a process of categorizing the collected information, 14 resource categories were extracted. The main results indicate that the specialized resources of the protection system itself are the most active, although there are also very frequent resources from the normalized environment, as a function of the characteristics of each case.


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González-Navasa, P., & Martín, E. (2020). Activated resources in Individualized Educational Projects of children in residential care. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 10(19), 180–200.