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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Manuscript submissions shall be done through the journal’s electronic platform, upon registration of the author(s).

  • If this is your first time accessing the platform, please go to "Registration" at the top menu.
  • If you are already registered, please log in with your username and password.
    • If you forgot your password, go to "Login" (top menu bar), enter your username, click on the "Forgot your password?" option and follow the instructions.
    • If you forgot your username, please contact

During the submission process, authors must sign the Declaration of Authorship and Originality, the absence of conflict of interest and their compliance with the Copyright Notice.

Trabajo Social Global_Global Social Work does not charge an APC (Article Processing Charge) to authors, nor submission fee.

For more details on the submission process, please refer to the following link:


Manuscript requirements

All manuscripts submitted to Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work must be original and unpublished.

Manuscript submission is conditioned to the DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP AND ORIGINALITY by the sending author. In the event of discovering the existence of an earlier publication of the submitted work, plagiarism, or any other practice devoid of professional ethics, the manuscript will be automatically rejected regardless of which stage of the editorial process it is at.

Anonymity: Candidates must avoid providing any information on authorship in the manuscript. The name of the author(s) is included in the electronic platform and must not feature in the manuscript, as this document shall be subject to an anonymous review process. 




Language of publicationGlobal Social Work is a bilingual journal that accepts papers submitted in Spanish and Portuguese. Articles in English will be published only by invitation of the Editors. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the manuscripts meet the language standards required for publication in a scientific journal. To this end, we strongly recommend that manuscripts not written in the author’s native language are proofread by an expert before submission.

Document Format: Documents must be presented in text format, with DOC or DOCX extension. Files in PDF format shall not be accepted under any circumstances.

The page format is DIN A4, with 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins at each border of the sheet (top, bottom, left and right).

The text shall be written in font Arial 11 points, with 1.5 line spacing and justified. This font type and size shall be used throughout the document (quotes, notes, tables and figures, etc.) except for the titles on the first level.

The content hierarchy uses Arabic numerals, with simple numbers at the first level (1, 2, 3...) with literals written in lowercase, bold, and the font size at 12 points. The second level (1.1, 1.2, 1.3...) must also be written in lowercase and bold, keeping the font size at 11 points. It is strongly recommended to avoid excessive use of subsections. If a third level is necessary, however, the bold font style will be replaced by italics, to differentiate this from the previous level.

Use italic font or quotation marks to highlight a word or phrase within the text, or to highlight the phrase in quotes. Bold fonts or underlining must not be used in the body of the text.

Acronyms must be written without intermediate periods, specifying its meaning between brackets the first time they appear in the text. Subsequently, use only the acronym.

Notes at the end of the text:Notes should be avoided whenever possible. If used, these shall be text endnotes rather than footnotes. For sequential numbering, use the Arabic numerals format, not Roman numerals or letters.

Illustrations, images, figures, graphics and tables, if any, shall be placed appropriately within the text, including a descriptive title of the content at the top, and the source of information at the bottom. Additionally, a copy of these items must be sent on a "supplementary file".

All citations and quotations from sources must be integrated in the text (bibliographical references must never be included in a footnote).

Non-literal citations shall include name of the author(s) and the year of publication of the work. Ex.:(Shiva, 1995).

When two sources with the same author(s) have been published in the same year, these shall be differentiated by adding lowercase letters to the date (1995a; 1995b).

The citation for a direct quote must include the page number of the transcribed passage. Ex.: (Alonso, 1998, p.50).

The passage shall be placed between quotation marks if it is incorporated in the text; and shall go without quotation marks and in a separate paragraph when a quotation exceeds 40 words.

If the publication has double authorship, both authors’ names must be separated by "and", or "&" when in English. Ex.: (Duveen & Lloyd, 2003).

If a work has six or more authors, only the name of the first author shall be mentioned, followed by the abbreviation "et al." and the year of publication. Ex.: (Calvo et al., 2011).


Bibliographical References: A list of all of the works cited in your paper must be presented in one single alphabetical sequence at the end the work. The list shall not include other literature for extension or depth: All entries in the reference list must have been cited in the text.

References shall be sorted alphabetically by the author's surname (authors’, if co-authored). In the case of surnames preceded by prepositions, these shall not be taken into consideration. For example, "De la Garza" should be reflected in the references as “Garza de la".

References shall be presented with hanging indentation on each of the entries (first line left and indented on subsequent lines).

The development of the Bibliographical References must follow the format for listing references described in the rules for publication of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition. Basic Guide for Bibliographical References. Exemplification


Annexes and / or acknowledgements, if any, will be presented in separate text at the very end, once completed all the sections that make up work (including bibliography and endnotes eventually included




A)"Epistemes" Section

Submitted works to be included in the Epistemes section shall start with the following text:

Title: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English (or Spanish, when the original text is in English). The content of the work must be reflected unambiguously in the title.

Abstract: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English (or Spanish, when the original text is in English). The abstract will have a length of 150 to 200 words.

Keywords: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English (or Spanish, when the original text is in English). The number of keywords shall be between three and five.


The body of the text shall keep the following structure:

A.1. Original evidence-based research: Follows the IMRAD model, a classic in scientific journals, distributing the text in the following main sections: Introduction. Methodology. Results. Discussion / Conclusions.

A.2. Theoretical and documentary reviews (theoretical article): The text shall be distributed in these main sections: Introduction. Material and documentary sources. Critical discussion. Conclusions.


Bibliographical References: At the end of work a list of all the sources cited in the text will presented, following the specifications for this section detailed in "Formal Guidelines for Writing and Style ".

Length of the work shall be from a minimum of 6000 to a maximum of 8000 words. This length includes the Title, Abstract, Keywords, Article Body, Bibliographical References, Graphics and Endnotes.


B) "Praxis" Section

Submitted works to be included in the Praxis section shall start with the following text:

Title: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English. The content of the work must be reflected unambiguously in the title.

Abstract: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English. The content of the work must be reflected unambiguously in the title.  The abstract will have a length of 150 to 200 words.

Keywords: In the original language in which the manuscript is submitted, and in English. The number of keywords shall be between three and five.


Body of the Text:

In general, all of the works comprised in this section will have an open structure, regarding the body of work, although Introduction shall always precede in order to guide and help the reader understand the text ahead, in both formal and content aspects. Likewise, a set of Conclusions shall close the work, stating its contribution to professional, socio-political and social development in general.


Bibliographical References: At the end of the work a list of all of the sources cited in the text shall be presented, following the specifications for this section detailed in “Formal Guidelines for Writing and Style”.

Length of the work shall be from a minimum of 2500 to a maximum of 3500 words. 


C)"Reviews" Section

Submitted works to be included in the Reviews Section shall begin with the bibliographical reference of the book or dissertation presented.

In the case of a dissertation review, it must be stated after the title (and between brackets) that this is a dissertation. If it has not been published, the year of publication will be replaced by the year of defence. Example:

  • Surname of the author(s), name initials. (year of defence). Title (dissertation). Institution, location

Before the body of the review, the name of the PhD Programme, Faculty or Department, name of the director(s) thereof and date of defence shall be included under "Data of the doctoral thesis".


The year of publication of the book or dissertation (year of defence, where applicable) shall not exceed two years before the date of the review. Exceptionally, the Editorial Committee may consider the relevance of dissemination of a work published in an earlier date, based on the interest thereof and / or its limited dissemination among the public the journal is aimed towards.

Length of reviews shall be between 700 and 1300 words.





Section dedicated to the publication of scientific articles in the fields that comply, in content, with what is described in section FOCUS AND SCOPE of this journal:

“articles with the results of major international research on key issues of social work, conceived as the field of professional action, training and research focused on social problems and policies, which provides perspectives and ways of intervention that are differentiated from other professions and knowledge of the action.We expect works which develop scientific knowledge and propose political and social debates that are empirically grounded, ethical and philosophical discussions, as well as systematic and methodologically controlled reflections on the intervention practices in the different dimensions (individual, collective) and in various areas, issues and fields of social work, with special attention to international debates and the proposals for new models, approaches and perspectives of the practice.”


They may have some of the following characteristics:

- Original research based on empirical evidence.

- Original historical research.

- Theoretical investigations based on research reviews, critical studies of scientific or professional documentation, and so on.

- Research and reflections on ethics and political philosophy relevant to Social Work and Social Policy.

-  Empirical research and / or theoretical reflections on training methodologies for social work, relevant educational experiences, and so on.

- Systematic and methodologically elaborated evaluations on social policies, social intervention programmes and professional practices.


Section dedicated to convey innovative or refreshing experiences from professionals of social   work   /   social   intervention   practices   (psycho-social,   socio-educational, socio-sanitary, socio-cultural) at local, regional, national or international level, as well as critical reflections / self-assessments carried out by the very actors of the professional practice, aiming to facilitate international professional communication, the transfer of practice approaches and the construction of international professional glossaries, techniques and procedures.


Books and doctoral dissertations reviews.

Reviews will not be subject to peer review, they will only be evaluated by the Editorial Committee.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in Global Social Work will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person.

The members of the Editorial Team undertake to preserve the identity of the authors submitting articles until their publication, if this occurs, also preserving their identity in the event of rejection.

Manuscripts that are in the review process will not be used for any other purpose by the personnel involved in the process, and will only be made known at the time of publication. If they are rejected, they will be archived in the historical record of the journal, without anyone with access to this file being able to use it for a purpose other than that for which it was sent.