Interpreting in International Football Competitions. A Case Study: UEFA


  • Icíar Alonso Araguás Universidad de Salamanca (Grupo Alfaqueque)
  • Paula Zapatero Santos Universidad de Salamanca



football, football interpreting, interpreting, multilingual press conferences, UEFA


Football is nowadays a point of convergence of different languages and cultures. In Europe, international travel has become increasingly common amongst footballers and coaches. Additionally, the popularity of this sport has resulted in the media all over the world covering all type of events related to football. In such a scenario, the interpreter becomes essential.

This is the departure point of this article, which aims to provide an overview of interpreting within the world of football in general and more specifically, within the context of UEFA competitions. For this purpose, we analyze the current situation through a questionnaire prepared for professional interpreters and a sport press corpus in order to describe different factors related to the interpreter’s profile, the current regulation, the labour conditions and the quality of the interpretations.


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Author Biography

Icíar Alonso Araguás, Universidad de Salamanca (Grupo Alfaqueque)

Profesora Contratada Doctora

Miembro del grupo de investigación internacional Alfaqueque.

Dpto. Traducción e Interpretación

Universidad de Salamanca


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How to Cite

Alonso Araguás, I., & Zapatero Santos, P. (2019). Interpreting in International Football Competitions. A Case Study: UEFA. Sendebar, 30, 245–271.



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