Ideology in the Simultaneous Interpreting of Political Speeches in the USA. A Qualitative Approach


  • Elisabet Garcia Oya Universidad Europea del Atlántico



ideology, interpreting, neutrality, speech, media interpreting


This article shows the results of a  qualitative research conducted on the ideological transmission that takes place during the simultaneous interpreting of political speeches  targeting large media audiences in the USA.

To this end we will analyse different fragments, studying the effects on the original ideology brought about by each interpreter and the impact they have on the message received by the two different target audiences.


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Author Biography

Elisabet Garcia Oya, Universidad Europea del Atlántico

Profesora doctora en el grado de Traducción e Interpretación.



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How to Cite

Garcia Oya, E. (2019). Ideology in the Simultaneous Interpreting of Political Speeches in the USA. A Qualitative Approach. Sendebar, 30, 335–355.



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