Urbanizing the Moorland. Bases for a New Model of Translational Analysis of Dramatic Texts


  • Alejandro L. Lapeña Universidad de Granada




theory and practise of translation, literary translation, dramatic translation, Portuguese theatre, Vieira Mendes


Despite the long tradition of the dramatic translation, studying it is a relatively new thing in Translation Studies. It is not casual, then, that Santoyo described the situation in 1995 as being a “moorland”. In our days, about 20 years after, things have quite improved, but it is still true that this discipline stays among the less studied. In this article we will study the differences of the dramatic text in relation with other kinds of literary texts and we will lay the bases for a new model of translation analysis of the dramatic texts based on practice and, more concretely, on the translation and later staging of two theatre plays by the Portuguese playwright José Maria Vieira Mendes.


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Author Biography

Alejandro L. Lapeña, Universidad de Granada

Alumno en la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada entre 2006 y 2011. Máster en Traducción e Interpretación por esa misma facultad en 2011/2012. Doctorando en Traducción por la Universidad de Granada desde 2012


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How to Cite

L. Lapeña, A. (2014). Urbanizing the Moorland. Bases for a New Model of Translational Analysis of Dramatic Texts. Sendebar, 25, 149–172. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v25i0.650



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