Translation Error in the Localization of Video Games: The Case of Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter


  • Arturo Vázquez Rodríguez Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Lenguas, Literaturas, Culturas y sus aplicaciones en la Universitat de València.



translation, translation error, localization, video games


This article explores the complex field of study of translation errors taking as an object of study an audiovisual product, more specifically, a Japanese RPG video game translated from English into Spanish. In this study, we review the Translation Studies theory related to translation errors and apply this theory to a corpus extracted from an audiovisual text. Finally, we draw several conclusions from the theory described based on the analysis of our collected corpus. We found two types of error which were not included in the typologies studied: the linguistic variation error and the lack of translation. We also found errors caused by some of the particularities of this type of audiovisual media, such as the use of abbreviations that do not exist in the target language due to the character limit on screen.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Rodríguez, A. (2016). Translation Error in the Localization of Video Games: The Case of Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. Sendebar, 27, 267–297.



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