The Translation of a German Conversational Marker: Position and Functions of Also in Fictive Dialogue




conversational markers, discourse particles, fictive orality, conceptional orality, text construction, polyfunctionality


This paper analyses the use of also in the dialogues of Hans Fallada’s novel Kleiner Mann – was nun? and its Spanish translation. By considering the structural and functional features of this particle, it explains how also is represented in this work and how it helps to create the illusion of authenticity that defines fictive orality, since its usual peripheral position and its functions —related to interactivity, maintenance of discourse coherence, and conversation structuring— contrast with its prototypical use in written texts. On the other hand, the research carried out shows how the choice of a translation equivalent in a specific point of the dialogue can be largely explained on the grounds of the ways in which also contributes to text construction.


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How to Cite

Robles Sabater, F. (2022). The Translation of a German Conversational Marker: Position and Functions of Also in Fictive Dialogue. Sendebar, 33, 104–124.



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