Translation Challenges around Plurality in Chinese


  • Belén Cuadra Mora Universidad de Granada



Chinese linguistics, Plurality, Chinese-Spanish Translation


Linguistic and cultural differences between Spanish and Chinese require translators working with these two languages to make a substantial effort of understanding and rewriting. The notion of plurality is a good example of how linguistic differences can interfere in the translation process. This research aims to explore how Chinese-Spanish translators must confront these differentiated roles of form and meaning regarding plurality, with semantic, pragmatic and rhetoric implications. We will analyse a corpus of seven literary texts translated from Chinese into Spanish to identify and classify the discretionary formulas that Chinese uses to explicit the information contained in grammatical number. Also, we will explore the translators’ decisions, and their potential repercussions in the way a given text is conveyed and understood. This study concludes that morphemes (i.e., the smallest unit of meaning) challenge the traditional paradigms of equivalence in Chinese-Spanish translation from the most elementary.


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How to Cite

Cuadra Mora, B. (2022). Translation Challenges around Plurality in Chinese. Sendebar, 33, 125–143.



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