Until the Text Do us Part? Collaboration between Authors and Amateur Translators in an International Project on Creative Writing and Translation





literary translation, writer-translator collaboration, collaborative dynamics, authorship, empirical research


Collaboration among the different agents is nowadays an established fact in different translation areas. In the case of literary translation, a recurring example is the partnership between translators and writers. This article seeks to examine the interaction between these parties within a university project on creative writing and translation. Accordingly, it probes translators’ opinions to determine the degree of collaboration between both agents, analysing the working dynamics used, their helpfulness, the translators’ degree of satisfaction, and their impact on the authorial perception of the target text. The results show a notable tendency to collaborate with writers in order to cement their understanding of the text and to endorse and agree on stylistic or terminological decisions. High levels of satisfaction with the established working dynamics adopted are reported, as well as a low impact of collaboration on the authorial perception of the translation, which they consider to be primarily their own.


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How to Cite

Echauri-Galván, B., García-Hernández, S., & Gómez-Bedoya, M. (2022). Until the Text Do us Part? Collaboration between Authors and Amateur Translators in an International Project on Creative Writing and Translation. Sendebar, 33, 44–64. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v33.23550



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