Hybridisation of Genres and Translation: La alumna by Alessia Gazzola


  • Esther Morillas Universidad de Málaga




Literary translation, hybridisation of genres, detective novel, chick lit, Alessia Gazzola


This article aims to analyse the translation into Spanish of the novel by Alessia Gazzola L'allieva (La alumna, translation by Patricia Orts). The main characteristic of this work is the hybridisation of genres, specifically the detective-police novel and the chick lit. Starting from the idea that each literary genre generates a series of expectations in the reading public, and that the translator must master the resources and mechanisms that allow a genre to be identified as such, the following pages will show the points of union and divergence between the chick lit and the detective-police novel in L’allieva, and how the translation of its particularities has been approached, giving priority to the elements that are typical of the latter.


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Author Biography

Esther Morillas, Universidad de Málaga

Dpto. de Traducción e interpretación


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How to Cite

Morillas, E. (2022). Hybridisation of Genres and Translation: La alumna by Alessia Gazzola. Sendebar, 33, 65–82. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v33.18503



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